In English


Our Health is our Wealth

Minute of the Short-Term joint staff training event (C1): Let’s learn about health


After the welcome all the partners we went to the assembly hall, where all students of the school were gathered to give a warm welcome to our Erasmus guests. During the show every partners also made a short presentation of themselves and about their school and country.

Our hosts performed a nice show with dances, theatre, music related to the main subject of the project.

  1. Presentation of the schools (PPT or video)
  2. Polish educational system
  3. Presentation about Poland

Everybody made a presentation about their school, country and educational system. Polish presentation was made by the students.


Logo Competition

Each one voted for the Logo, among the three taken by each country. It wasn’t allowed to vote on their own Logo. The Logo choosed it was from Portugal and from now one it will be used in all project documents.

Mascot discussion

We decided to have a mascot for each country related to the project subject. It must be choosen in each school after a school competition and everyone is free to choose the materials. The deadline to have it done is end of December (before Christmas Holidays)

Results of questionnaires about healthy lifestyle

Spain did the presentation of the global survey analysis and concerning that results we realize that some kids may answered the expected answer and not the truth, because some answers didn’t match with our knowledge about their habits. Even so, we have many things to change on their habits and our challenge it will be bigger. Every country should do once a month an observation check list about nutrition habits at school ( breakfast or lunch). Spain will send to everybody a chart to fill.

Promoting activities

The coordinator country suggested some kind of promoting activities to disseminate the project, such as: rollups, leaflets, banners. It’s very important to do it. It also should be information around the school.

Project Website

The country responsible to build the website it will be Portugal as defined on the project. Each country should send to Portugal , as soon as possible, the link of the presentation videos and the pictures. Portugal will made a padlet with all the information and will put it on the website until end of december.


The country responsible to build the twinspace it will Ireland as defined on the project. Portugal will share the padlet used to the website to put on etwinning. It’s very important that after Ireland create the twinspace all teachers and students will be registered on etwinning.

Blog in native language

Each country should have a blog, written on mother tongue, about Healthy Food, Sports and about 3 articles about fruit of the month.

Quiz about different cultures – discussion

The country responsible to build the Quizz it will Lithuania as defined on the project. There will be 5 questions for each country, so a total of 30 questions. The quizz it will have to difficulty levels ( below 12 years and 12-14 years). Deadline: They will sent to all partners the link until end of march.

Cookbook – how to prepare it

The country responsible to build the CookBook it will Italy as defined on the project. We should do it on both languages ( that means: mother tongue and english) We should prepare 5 recipes ( about one each month, January to May) the first year project and another 5 on the second year project. We should send to Italy a short video and some pictures as soon they are ready. We could change the recipes order.

Activities – swimming pool, orienteering

Every country should do an activity for term. We can choose the activity.

Workshops in school with dietician, dentist

Every country should do 2 workshops for year. These workshops will be for parents and children.

Photo Competition

Each country should arrange a photo competition about a healthy meal with the family or a healthy lifestyle. The winner photo should go to the blog. Each country is responsible for the competition rules.

Mini gardens in classrooms with herbs in pots

We should take 3 pictures about the growing phases ( seed, growing and final).

Day of Health ( April 2019)

Sports Day ( T-shirts)

We all should promote a healthy day ( Sports and Food) around april. If possible we should find some sponsors . If we arrange them their logo should be smaller than Erasmus + logo. We should make t-shirts for project kids use on these days and for them to travel on next mobility that it will be on end of may to Ireland.

Games from the past ( video)

The country responsible to do the final video it will Spain as defined on the project. We have to send the video until end of May to Spain. The video should show everybody how to play these games. As the video about recipes should be on both languages.

These games should be games that older people ( parents, grandparents used to play).

Dates of next meetings

Spain – April 2019 ( 1st – 4th)
Ireland – May 2019 ( 27th – 30th)
Italy – Otober 2019 ( 14th – 17th)
Portugal – March 2020 ( 23th -27th)
Lithuania – May 2020 ( 18th – 21st)

The day before the meeting and after the meeting it will be to travel.

Final notes

Each country should make 10 Christmas postcards and send it to each country by post office.They should be hand made by kids. It will be a total of 50 postcards. For friendship letters the exchange it will be as the following:

Poland -Lithuania
Poland -Portugal
Poland- Ireland
Ireland -Lithuania
Spain -Italy

The green color marks the country that will start.

Deadline : January to start the frindship letters. The answer should be as soon as possible.

The photos of every activity should also be send to Portugal that will put them on a padlet to the website and them Portugal will share a link of that padlet with Ireland for twinspace.

Katowice, 19th to 21st November

  • Elektroninis dienynas
  • Tėvams
  • Mokiniams
  • Mokytojams
Pamokų laikas
5. 12.00 – 12.45
  • 1. 08.00 – 08.45
  • 2. 08.55 – 09.40
  • 3. 09.50 – 10.35
  • 4. 10.55 – 11.40
  • 5. 12.00 – 12.45
  • 6. 13.05 – 13.50
  • 7. 14.00 – 14.45
  • 8. 14.55 – 15.40